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Linux Basics is the first step to having Linux as your operating system of choice. Many books have been written to learn Linux basics, such as Linux Basics For Hackers written byOccupyTheWeb.
Many people still have no idea what Linux is or how to work with it, so most people tend to work on Windows operating system.
Learning the essential Linux Basics can take a little time, but not too much time. All you need is some patience and the right resources, and you’ll be up and running in no time.
You will want to know all the different Linux Basics before you begin learning and using your new operating systems.
What is Kernel in Linux OS?
Linux consists of an embedded operating systemkernel, much like the Windows operating system.
This kernel will run most of your software and programs.
The Linux kernel is a central component in Linux OS and a core interface between the hardware and the processes of a computer. It manages the resources between these two to run the operations efficiently.
How to install Software Applications in Linux OS?
You might be wondering what kind of software applications you can run on a Linux operating system, so let’s begin with those.
Many different Linux distributions come with their libraries and tools.
Most of these libraries and tools will be necessary for running most of your standard desktop or laptop applications.
Some of the more popular and common ones are theOpen Office suiteand theX Server.
If you’re looking to learn about Linux basics and how to use the different software packages available, these two pieces of software are probably the best place to start.
The Command-Line Shell
The Linux kernel also includes its command-line interface or shell, just like Windows has its Windows Powershell. Still, the Linux command-line shell is slightly different from Windows Powershell.
This shell enables you to perform simple tasks or complete complicated tasks efficiently.
The command Line shell works as an interpreter between the user and kernel to perform or execute programs. For example, you can type any grep command to execute commands in the shell.
It is a handy feature for those comfortable using the command line interface on their personal computers.
How to get started with Linux Command-line Shell?
One way to get started using the Linux command line is by creating a login environment.
This process is pretty simple to do.
All you have to do is open the Linux terminal like any other software and start typing commands.
These commands are then executed in a prompt.
If you are familiar with bash, you can order the following command in a bash shell, and you will be prompted with a series of commands to execute. If not, substitute your bash command with something similar.
Graphical Programs
Linux is not limited to some black screen code lines programs, and you can also install modern graphical interface program software.
If you want to have a bit more of an interactive experience, you can try out some of the available graphical programs for Linux.
Bottom Line
Overall, learning to work with a Linux system can be pretty straightforward.
The best part about it is that it comes with various programs and utilities that will allow even the most technologically challenged computer users to get their feet wet.
The biggest challenge will be learning to utilize the graphical interface.
If you have no experience with this, you may want to get someone who has some knowledge so that they can guide you through the process or you can download Linux Basics For Hackers written byOccupyTheWeb and get guidance from the book.
Once you get comfortable with using the command-line interface, you will probably wonder how you ever got along without it before.
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